Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

What is Success Secrets Google

What is Success Secrets Google? - Google was founded by two young children, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Both figures are smart Stanford University graduate, is one of the worlds most prestigious campuses. Since its establishment in 1998, I continue to hoist the banner of triumph. Until now, they are still the most popular search engine in the world despite some tough competitors emerge.

So, what are the secrets of success I was able to keep meraksasa until now? Include the following is quoted from Business Insider:

    Passion to be the best< br />    Since its inception, Sergey Brin and Larry Page wants Google will be the best in its field. That being the number one search engine.

    "We want comparable with Yahoo, Amazon, or AOL. We want to be number one in market share in search. And we thought we could do it pretty soon, "she said. "There is no reason to set a target low. If you did everything correctly, you can jump higher than anyone else, "said she is optimistic, in an interview in 1999 that. Both founders also confirmed that a lot of money is not their primary motivation. But the passion to be the best. "If we are motivated by money, we will sell this company in the past and we will travel to the beach," Page said in an interview in 2006.

    Good work culture

    Google has repeatedly been named as the most desirable workplaces. One facto r is the pleasant working atmosphere. Indeed, their office is filled with color and well-equipped. "We think a lot about how to maintain the corporate culture and the fun elements. I do not know if other companies are also thinking about it as much as us, "said Page. "We spent a lot of time to build a proper office. We love this building because it is more like a university than a typical office, "said Page.

    Do not Stop to innovate

    Despite succeeding, I do not necessarily remain silent. They continue to innovate with a wide range of new products. Indeed, since its inception, Google has focused on innovation. In 2000, the number of new Google employees 150 people. However, more than half are engineers and working in the field of research and development (R & D). "We are very happy to invest a lot in R & D. Technicians and R & D are closely linked, "said Sergey Brin . Googles new product range feels innovative. Such smart glasses and a car that can run automatically, no need to intervene driver.

    Great products but simple

    Many online businesses do a lot of ways to keep people accessing their site for long. But Google does not do that. Brin and Page want the users to search as quickly as possible. Therefore, the product seemed simple Google search engine and to the point though actually very sophisticated. "We want you to visit Google and find what you want quickly. And, we are happy to take you to other sites, "said Larry Page once.

    Google makes a part of life for people

    Many people only know Google as a primary search engine online. So want to search for specific information, they instantly access Google. "We are a part of everyday life, like brushing your teeth. They do (search online) every day when at work, buy something, decide what to do after work and so much more, "she said. "Google has been accepted to be part of peoples lives," he added.

    Do not Be Evil

    Do not be evil is Googles motto. They recognize always tried to hold the slogan. Moreover, Google controls so much information. "Search engine plays a very important role in peoples lives, determining what information to you. You have to trust those who do things like that to you, "said Page. "Were trying to define precisely a force for good, truth and ethical conduct. Do not be evil seems to be the easiest way to summarize it, "he said.

    Duet Match

    In the end, Googles success is thanks to Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the two founders. Arguably, both are deadly duo that makes Google meraksasa. Whereas at the start of their meeting in 1995, they reported less along. They first met on the Stanford campus. But Brin and Page ended up working together to foster online search engine. Until now, both still be the boss of Google with Larry Page served as CEO

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