Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

How to Put Free Games on Your LG 500G

Get Free Java Games for Your LG 500G

games for the lg 500g from tracfone
LG 500G Games
Looking for some entertainment while waiting in line, sitting at a bus stop or any other place when you have nothing to do? Why not play a game on your LG 500G?

The LG 500G from Tracfone comes with two mediocre games pre-installed, but how can you add more games to your phone for free? Its very easy to do, just follow the steps below!

Note: This is for the LG 500G, and while these steps may work for other phones, the games thems elves will probably not function properly. So try searching for games for your specific phone on Google, or check back in the future.

How to Add Games to Your LG 500G

Adding java based games to your LG500G is easy to do. Before you begin, you will need a MicroSD card that you can connect to your phone. Check out our previous post, How to Put MP3s on Your Tracfone, to learn more about what MicroSD card to use, and where it is located on the LG 500G.

Now we are ready to get some games:

Step 1 - Go to http://www.mobilerated.com/lg-lg500g-games.html and browse the games available there.

Step 2 - Download any and all games that look interesting. They have quite a range of games from puzzle games, to Tetris like games. Racing games and even hunting games. So find the ones that look fun to you.

Step 3 - Find the games you just downloaded, probably in your Downloads Folder, and move th em to the "Games" folder on your MicroSD card. (which you should connect to your computer, if you havent already). If your card doesnt already have a games folder, you can create one.

Step 4 - Put the MicroSD card back in your phone, If you dont know where it goes, refer to the picture.

LG500g without back cover showing battery and sim card and microsd
Step 5 - On your phone, go to "Menu" then "My Folder" and then "Memory Card" and finally "Games".

Step 6 - Select which ever game you want to play, and allow it to install. It only needs to install once, after that you can find it in your "Games and Apps" location in the Menu. It may ask if you trust the game, or if you really want to install the game, and just hit yes.< br />
Step 7 - Once the game is installed, start it, play, and enjoy!

In our experience, not every game downloaded from Mobile Rated works. A few had errors for various reasons. So if this happens, donr worry about it, just try another game.

Also, there are lots of other websites that provide free java games, but just be careful and make sure you trust the website before downloading things.

Got more questions? Ask em below in the comments are see our post about More Resources for Questions

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