Kamis, 09 Juni 2016

Nikon Coolpix S6300 review price and specs

Nikon Coolpix S6300 review price and specs - Nikon Coolpix S6300 is a successor of the S6200 small camera that has a 10x optical zoom and uses a CCD sensor. However, unlike the S6200, a new generation has been to equip themselves with a CMOS sensor. This change allows users to record HD quality video and capable of capturing images in bursts shot mode up to 6 frames per second at full 16 megapixel resolution.

The image quality

Overall quality photos of S6300 is above - average camera in this class, is perfect when printed on photo paper size 8 x 10 or web size image. In the full-size image produced is not very good. Users can set the sensitivity of ISO 125 to ISO 3200, but its better to use the Nikon Coolpix S6 300 at ISO 400 and below.

Regardless of ISO, the photos looked soft and can be increased further by digital processing. There is a limit auto ISO option we use ISO 125, 400, or ISO 125-800. ISO 125, 400 suitable for use when outside the room while the second ISO suitable for use in the room. The other two 1600 and 3200 are better used for emergencies only, it is because the image produced is very noise, the color is very bad.

The resulting video quality equivalent to HD video on a pocket camera or smartphone, good enough for the use of the web upload and view it directly on small monitors. 10x optical zoom lens can we rely on to capture video with the object that is far enough or perform reconnaissance in silence - silence.

Camera performance

The change from CCD to CMOS sensor makes a significant difference to the performance of the Nikon Coolpix S6300. Basically, the camera is built beradasarkan Nikon Coolpix S6200, but increasing the speed camera sensor makes higher. Although not high in real terms, at least for the class S6300 tiny camera can be relied upon. Can capture rate - average of 2.9 seconds from the off to the first shots. S6300 can shoot images up to 6 -7 frames per second.

Design and features

Its tiny makes it easy to fit into a shirt pocket. Available in four colors such as blue, black, silver, and red. Material is made of a type of metal casing so as to provide a sense of comfort and strong when held.

Control buttons on the back has a small but still comfortable use. There is a dedicated button video recording so no need to turn off the previous mode.
Nikon Coolpix S6300

As with other similar cameras, screen size and resolution of the Nikon Coolpix S6300 quite good though nothing special, but according to the price. The screen resolution can display the settings menu and the text is sharp and easy to read, unlike most other types of Nikon Coolpix, but it is also easy to operate. Battery life is quite short, it is known from CIPA-rated can shoot up to 230 images.

Price Nikon Coolpix S6300
Starting $ 149.99 to $ 229.95

Nikon Coolpix S6300 Specifications
Key specsNikon Coolpix S6300
Price (MSRP)$229.95
Dimensions (WHD)3.7×2.3×1 inches
Weight (with battery and media)5.7 ounces
Megapixels, image sensor size, type16 megapixels, 1/2.3-inch BSI CMOS
LCD size, resolution/viewfinder2.7-inch LCD, 230K dots/None
Lens (zoom, aperture, focal length)10x, f3.2-5.8, 25-250mm (35mm equivalent)
File format (still/video)JPEG/H.264 AAC (.MOV)
Highest resolution size (still/video)4,608×3,456 pixels/ 1,920×1,080 at 30fps
Image stabilization typeOptical and digital
Battery type, CIPA rated lifeLithium ion rechargeable, 230 shots
Battery charged in cameraYes; wall adapter (included) or c omputer via USB
Storage mediaSD/SDHC/SDXC
Bundled softwareSoftware Suite for Coolpix (Windows/Mac)

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